Writing is very important at the school where I teach. In fact, even though I am a math teacher, I am still expected to ask my students to write at least once a week. I usually do this on Fridays during their “bell work” -- something the students work on during the first five minutes of class. At times I ask serious questions, and at other times I have some fun. Of course, most of my students like my second type of questions the best. I was inspired by a Creative Writing teacher I had in high school who would ask questions like, “What would you rather be and why: an apple or an orange?” I love those questions! This past week (the week before Christmas break), I had the students answer this: What would you rather be and why -- Frosty the Snowman or Rudolph? I just finished reading over 100 student responses, and some of them made me laugh out loud. I have some very creative students! Rudolph won hands down, and most of the answers rotated around being able to fly, meeting Santa, and having a red nose. Now, why anyone would be excited about having a red nose, I have no idea. (Of course, I have a cold right now and really hope my nose does not get red.) Below are some of my favorite responses that I got from my students (some clever…some bizarre). I hope they make you smile!
I want to be Rudolph because then I can fly. Also as Rudolph, I don’t have to die every Spring. Also I would not have to worry about squirrels because in my neighborhood squirrels eat the snowman’s nose.
I would rather be Frosty the Snowman because I would like to run all around the square having fun with friends. I would want stick arms once and I want to have a hat on my head. Then when the sun goes down SPLAT I want to get hit by a car but not die.
I would rather be Rudolph. I won’t melt in the summer, and I’d have a shiny nose. I would never die, and I’d be with SANTA. If I’d be Rudolph I could read at night! My name will fit on more things than Frosty the Snowman.
I would rather be Rudolph because the other day, on the news, Frosty got hit by a car. I want to live past Christmas if you know what I mean.
I’d rather be Rudolph. I chose this because I could command one of my evil elf minions to write a fake letter to Santa telling him all I want for Christmas. Then when we went to drop off the presents I would shut off my light. Santa would crash and I would pick up my presents. Then I would live safely under the name of Albert L. Georgenson in case of a lawsuit. I would have a fake mustache and beard.
I would be Frosty so I could melt myself down then scare the crud out of playing 2-year olds. I would do that because 2 year olds have it too good. They’re always playing and screaming. So that’s why I’d be Frosty.
I would rather be Rudolph. I would melt and dogs would pee on me if I was Frosty.
I would rather be Rudolph. I would rather be Rudolph because I could fly. Also, because I could have a built-in flashlight. Plus, since I would be magic I could create snowmen that did everything I told them to do and hurt people I don’t like. They would be my minions.
If I could choose to be Frosty or Rudolph, I would rather be Frosty because when somebody throws a snowball at me, It wouldn’t bug me as much. And I would be a talking and hopping snowman.
I would rather be Frosty because Rudolph has to work. I admit I’ve worked a lot at my Mom’s, but I’m tired. I don’t want to do work anymore.
I would rather be Rudolph than Frosty because I could fly. I’d have a “shiny nose” that lights up. I’d be able to see in the dark and I’d go down in history. Plus a talking snowman is creepy.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Giggles, Menopause, and Tissue
Do you ever get into one of those moods where everything makes you giggle. And I’m not talking about the soft, polite heehee giggles. I’m talking about the uncontrollable snorts and the “if I had milk in my mouth it would come out my nose” type of giggles! By the way, I am the Queen of Snort! I can’t help it. Let me tell you - it can be totally embarrassing if done around someone I wanted to impress! If something tickles me just the right way, the loudest snore-like noise flies out of my nose in a quick, short burst! I try to hold it in, but it doesn't work! Sometimes that makes it worse. At some point in my laughter, I just lose control over the Snort! Some people think it endearing; some believe it disgusting; I just know it is me…plain and simple Me on a giggle high. What can I say? Ha! (or Snort!)
The problem with these giggle moods that I get into is that they just don’t seem as funny later as they did when I was holding my tummy. Later, I just laugh at how much I laughed at something that maybe wasn’t so funny after all. Can anyone relate? (Can anyone follow that last statement? Ha) I remember one of those times during my freshman year at college. My roommate and I realized that we were “Amy Lou and Jenny Sue” -- we thought it was fun that our names rhymed. I really do believe this was the first week of school. We had a telephone and started coming up with ways to answer it. This is when the belly laughs started happening. “Amy Lou and Jenny Sue, we would like to talk to you.” OR “Amy Lou and Jenny Sue, we want to know who are you?” And the most bizarre one: “Amy Lou and Jenny Sue. Miss Piggy lives here too!” (My roommate liked Miss Piggy.) I know it is silly, and it is probably one of those “I guess you should have been there” moments, but 26 years later and I still remember how bad my stomach hurt as I curled on the floor (because I couldn’t stand anymore) laughing at all of our rhyming, phone-answering ideas. The best was when the phone actually rang and we used one of our new lines. Unfortunately for the person on the other end of the phone, we couldn’t talk after that because we were riddled with laughter again!
Today I had a couple giggle moments. These weren’t the “rolling on the floor” instances, but they just seemed silly to me (so I’m sharing them). This evening as I was driving through downtown Fort Wayne, I drove by the grand Embassy. On the marquee they were advertising a show that was coming to the Embassy in February -- Menopause the Musical. Really?? (This is when I started to giggle.) Why would anyone even think to write a musical on menopause much less actually write it? A play maybe…but a musical? Realize that I am still driving as I am trying to come up with what songs might have been written. Let‘s see, here‘s hot flashes and mood swings: “Oh, I’m hot…no, I’m cold…no, I’m hot!” and “I love you so much, and now I’m going to bite your head off !” Of course, now I’m trying to find tunes for these new songs. Ha! The Hot-Cold song could be sung to “Frere Jacques” -- hmmm, maybe I should sing some bars for you. (Snort!) Here‘s what I put as my facebook status tonight: “I passed the Embassy today and they were advertising a show that will take place in a couple months: Menopause the Musical. REALLY?? All the other musical ideas are taken?” I got a few fun replies. Apparently some people have seen this musical and really liked it…and there IS a song about Hot Flashes! I already have a couple friends who want to go see it with me in February. This could be a fun Girl’s Night Out where more giggles might erupt! Might.
Okay, I have to admit that the other moment of giggles today happened in the girl’s bathroom at school. (I know…very odd spot.) I usually use the “adult” restroom located in the main office, but sometimes when all of the students are in class and I have a break, I’ll run into the restroom that is across from my classroom. (“Run” being the key word. Grin) Today I was sitting there…you know…doing what needs to be done, and my shoulders dropped as I looked over at the toilet tissue. What is it with School Toilet paper? You pull and out comes one little square. Seriously? Pull pull pull pull pull….. How many squares will do the job? As I hold a wad in my hand, I start to make my plan. Do I make it a tight ball or try to fan them out to look like a line of toilet paper? One or two sheets could get lost back there! Gosh, I realized that maybe I should have brought my tape into the bathroom!! “Hey Jen, are you still in there? What am I hearing? Is that tape?” Ha! “Oh, I’m just making my own toilet paper by taping all these squares together. I should be out in about 30 minutes! Hmmm, I wonder if this is long enough…” See why I started to giggle?? All of these thoughts were going through my head, and I was still sitting there. Tissue should stay in gift bags, NOT the bathroom!!
Well, these may not have made you giggle like they did me, but I know you have had those belly-holding moments in the past. I hope my little blog here makes you remember one of your own moments. Everyone should laugh at least once a day! It's good for the soul!
The problem with these giggle moods that I get into is that they just don’t seem as funny later as they did when I was holding my tummy. Later, I just laugh at how much I laughed at something that maybe wasn’t so funny after all. Can anyone relate? (Can anyone follow that last statement? Ha) I remember one of those times during my freshman year at college. My roommate and I realized that we were “Amy Lou and Jenny Sue” -- we thought it was fun that our names rhymed. I really do believe this was the first week of school. We had a telephone and started coming up with ways to answer it. This is when the belly laughs started happening. “Amy Lou and Jenny Sue, we would like to talk to you.” OR “Amy Lou and Jenny Sue, we want to know who are you?” And the most bizarre one: “Amy Lou and Jenny Sue. Miss Piggy lives here too!” (My roommate liked Miss Piggy.) I know it is silly, and it is probably one of those “I guess you should have been there” moments, but 26 years later and I still remember how bad my stomach hurt as I curled on the floor (because I couldn’t stand anymore) laughing at all of our rhyming, phone-answering ideas. The best was when the phone actually rang and we used one of our new lines. Unfortunately for the person on the other end of the phone, we couldn’t talk after that because we were riddled with laughter again!
Today I had a couple giggle moments. These weren’t the “rolling on the floor” instances, but they just seemed silly to me (so I’m sharing them). This evening as I was driving through downtown Fort Wayne, I drove by the grand Embassy. On the marquee they were advertising a show that was coming to the Embassy in February -- Menopause the Musical. Really?? (This is when I started to giggle.) Why would anyone even think to write a musical on menopause much less actually write it? A play maybe…but a musical? Realize that I am still driving as I am trying to come up with what songs might have been written. Let‘s see, here‘s hot flashes and mood swings: “Oh, I’m hot…no, I’m cold…no, I’m hot!” and “I love you so much, and now I’m going to bite your head off !” Of course, now I’m trying to find tunes for these new songs. Ha! The Hot-Cold song could be sung to “Frere Jacques” -- hmmm, maybe I should sing some bars for you. (Snort!) Here‘s what I put as my facebook status tonight: “I passed the Embassy today and they were advertising a show that will take place in a couple months: Menopause the Musical. REALLY?? All the other musical ideas are taken?” I got a few fun replies. Apparently some people have seen this musical and really liked it…and there IS a song about Hot Flashes! I already have a couple friends who want to go see it with me in February. This could be a fun Girl’s Night Out where more giggles might erupt! Might.
Okay, I have to admit that the other moment of giggles today happened in the girl’s bathroom at school. (I know…very odd spot.) I usually use the “adult” restroom located in the main office, but sometimes when all of the students are in class and I have a break, I’ll run into the restroom that is across from my classroom. (“Run” being the key word. Grin) Today I was sitting there…you know…doing what needs to be done, and my shoulders dropped as I looked over at the toilet tissue. What is it with School Toilet paper? You pull and out comes one little square. Seriously? Pull pull pull pull pull….. How many squares will do the job? As I hold a wad in my hand, I start to make my plan. Do I make it a tight ball or try to fan them out to look like a line of toilet paper? One or two sheets could get lost back there! Gosh, I realized that maybe I should have brought my tape into the bathroom!! “Hey Jen, are you still in there? What am I hearing? Is that tape?” Ha! “Oh, I’m just making my own toilet paper by taping all these squares together. I should be out in about 30 minutes! Hmmm, I wonder if this is long enough…” See why I started to giggle?? All of these thoughts were going through my head, and I was still sitting there. Tissue should stay in gift bags, NOT the bathroom!!
Well, these may not have made you giggle like they did me, but I know you have had those belly-holding moments in the past. I hope my little blog here makes you remember one of your own moments. Everyone should laugh at least once a day! It's good for the soul!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sometimes Clumsiness Can Be a Good Thing
I had one of those moments today when everything seemed to fall apart. I was on my own, and after church I went through the Wendy’s drive-thru and got lunch – spicy chipotle boneless wings Yum! I brought them home and decided to eat at my computer desk (multi-tasking: eating and facebooking at the same time). As I put my hand into the bag to pull out my meal, I found that the top of the container had come off. These wings are spicy because they are covered and surrounded by a lot of chipotle sauce – a red sauce that was now starting to cover everything else in the bag (my fries, my napkins, my straw). Right beside my printer, I set the open container on the cleanest napkin I could find in the bag. Next, I pulled everything else out of the bag – only dripping sauce a few times on my desk. As soon as I thought everything was taken care of, the pile of miscellaneous papers that I had stacked on my printer decided to fall – right into my bowl of spicy chipotle boneless wings!! Arghhh. I grabbed the next cleanest napkin and started wiping off all of my papers. Now I was done, right? I grabbed one of my sweetner packets to mix in my tea. I shook it before opening it and wouldn’t you know it – apparently it also had some sauce on it. This time I got splattered! Really? Lunch was supposed to be so much simpler than that!
I had to laugh about that just like I laughed at myself last night when I was checking out at Meijer. I had purchased some Christmas lights and went through one of the self checkout lanes. Everything scanned in just fine, and I used my card to pay for my purchase. After I signed my name on the little electronic line, I tried to hang the pen back on the display. It fell out. I tried again. It fell out again. One more try – and yes, it fell out once again. (Big sigh.) I finally flipped it over and stuck it in. YES! It worked. NO! The string attached to the pen had somehow looped through the handle of my purse, and I was now connected to the machine. Are you kidding me? I laughed and tried one more time to get it all put together right. Rolling my eyes at myself, I wondered who was behind what video camera laughing themselves off a chair!
Not every clumsy moment is bad. As I read through the notes that my basketball teammates wrote in my high school memory book, a common theme runs through them – “Thanks for letting us laugh at (with) you.” I had a knack of alleviating the most tense moments without even trying. I do remember one of those times. We were at the Coliseum practicing for an upcoming tournament game. The coach was having us go through a drill where we were being double-teamed (more than one person was trying to get our ball when we were holding it). Our goal was to pass the ball to another teammate without losing it to the two defenders. We were not doing a great job, and Coach was getting mad (which meant some yelling). All of a sudden I got the ball where the guards usually stand, and I panicked! (I played near the basket and rarely ever dribbled the ball.) I got rid of the ball alright! In my alarm at being double-teamed, I threw the ball straight up and HIGH – it hit the marquee hanging from the ceiling of the coliseum (really high). If you have ever been in the Fort Wayne Memorial Coliseum, you should be able to picture what I am talking about. Coach just started laughing, and I think that ended our drill. It definitely ended the tension that had been mounting!
I can’t fake anything. That makes my clumsiness come in handy at times. More than once in my life, I have been on a date and accidently slipped or fallen. (Truly, those were definitely accidents.) That’s when my date would tuck my hand in the crook of his arm or even put his arm around my waist. Very nice. If I had tried to trip “on purpose” it would have come out so fake! I think I just have an ornery angel who hip chucks me to the ground sometimes to encourage the romance of the moment! Ha!
I got a call yesterday that made my day (maybe my month). What led up to the call happened a couple years ago when I had quite a fall. My children and I were in Toronto, Canada, with some friends of ours. We had been in a beautiful place called High Park where I was taking a lot of pictures with my Canon Powershot camera (a very nice and somewhat expensive camera). You have to understand – photography is one of my favorite hobbies and I love my camera! As I took a sidewalk that slightly ramped down to the street, my foot hit a patch of mud and I went flying. Bodily, my knee got the worst of it. As for my clothes – let’s just say we went through lots of baby wipes to get the mud off my pants. What really hurt was the other effect of my falling. When I slipped, my right arm flew up hard (probably as a balancing instinct), and everything in my hand went flying. I had a bag and it landed with a small thud (nothing major)…but what flew higher (because it weighed more) and caused us all to silently watch in horror as it bounced down the street not once but THREE times was my camera! Argh!!! My son quickly retrieved it, turned it on, and then slowly shook his head sadly at me. I didn’t move. I didn’t want to think about it. Of course, I had to move because I was sitting in a mud pile in the street. I didn’t touch the camera until after I and my pants were as clean as they could be. Then I said a little prayer and turned on the camera. It worked! It did have some problems – like it wouldn’t zoom in and the lens would not go in when I turn off the camera. It also would once in awhile turn off as I was trying to take a picture, and it would tell me I had a lens error. Other than that, though, it was working fine and still taking great pictures. That was good because the next two days were going to be spent at Niagara Falls. When we got back home, I took my camera to the Geek Squad at Best Buy. I had accidental insurance (lovingly called accidental death insurance) on my camera thanks to my father who knew how I sometimes don’t land on my two feet. After a few weeks, I got my camera back. It worked, but I never thought it was as good as it was before it went bouncing down a parking lot. Fast forward to a month ago. We were with our same friends in a beautiful place in Kentucky (the Red River Gorge). My camera starting having lens error problems again. I was able to take pictures, but it definitely was not working the way it should. A week before Thanksgiving, I took it back into Best Buy, and I hoped that I would see my camera sometime before Christmas. That leads me to yesterday’s phone call. A geek from the squad at Best Buy left a message on my phone – I had been approved for a replacement camera. Replacement?? Very nice! I went in and was given the very latest Canon Powershot. For those of you camera enthusiasts – this camera has 35x optical zoom! My goodness, you can see the nosehairs on a fly with this thing! Without my muddy fall a couple years ago, I would not have this great Christmas present right now. Yep, sometimes clumsiness can be a good thing!
I had to laugh about that just like I laughed at myself last night when I was checking out at Meijer. I had purchased some Christmas lights and went through one of the self checkout lanes. Everything scanned in just fine, and I used my card to pay for my purchase. After I signed my name on the little electronic line, I tried to hang the pen back on the display. It fell out. I tried again. It fell out again. One more try – and yes, it fell out once again. (Big sigh.) I finally flipped it over and stuck it in. YES! It worked. NO! The string attached to the pen had somehow looped through the handle of my purse, and I was now connected to the machine. Are you kidding me? I laughed and tried one more time to get it all put together right. Rolling my eyes at myself, I wondered who was behind what video camera laughing themselves off a chair!
Not every clumsy moment is bad. As I read through the notes that my basketball teammates wrote in my high school memory book, a common theme runs through them – “Thanks for letting us laugh at (with) you.” I had a knack of alleviating the most tense moments without even trying. I do remember one of those times. We were at the Coliseum practicing for an upcoming tournament game. The coach was having us go through a drill where we were being double-teamed (more than one person was trying to get our ball when we were holding it). Our goal was to pass the ball to another teammate without losing it to the two defenders. We were not doing a great job, and Coach was getting mad (which meant some yelling). All of a sudden I got the ball where the guards usually stand, and I panicked! (I played near the basket and rarely ever dribbled the ball.) I got rid of the ball alright! In my alarm at being double-teamed, I threw the ball straight up and HIGH – it hit the marquee hanging from the ceiling of the coliseum (really high). If you have ever been in the Fort Wayne Memorial Coliseum, you should be able to picture what I am talking about. Coach just started laughing, and I think that ended our drill. It definitely ended the tension that had been mounting!
I can’t fake anything. That makes my clumsiness come in handy at times. More than once in my life, I have been on a date and accidently slipped or fallen. (Truly, those were definitely accidents.) That’s when my date would tuck my hand in the crook of his arm or even put his arm around my waist. Very nice. If I had tried to trip “on purpose” it would have come out so fake! I think I just have an ornery angel who hip chucks me to the ground sometimes to encourage the romance of the moment! Ha!
I got a call yesterday that made my day (maybe my month). What led up to the call happened a couple years ago when I had quite a fall. My children and I were in Toronto, Canada, with some friends of ours. We had been in a beautiful place called High Park where I was taking a lot of pictures with my Canon Powershot camera (a very nice and somewhat expensive camera). You have to understand – photography is one of my favorite hobbies and I love my camera! As I took a sidewalk that slightly ramped down to the street, my foot hit a patch of mud and I went flying. Bodily, my knee got the worst of it. As for my clothes – let’s just say we went through lots of baby wipes to get the mud off my pants. What really hurt was the other effect of my falling. When I slipped, my right arm flew up hard (probably as a balancing instinct), and everything in my hand went flying. I had a bag and it landed with a small thud (nothing major)…but what flew higher (because it weighed more) and caused us all to silently watch in horror as it bounced down the street not once but THREE times was my camera! Argh!!! My son quickly retrieved it, turned it on, and then slowly shook his head sadly at me. I didn’t move. I didn’t want to think about it. Of course, I had to move because I was sitting in a mud pile in the street. I didn’t touch the camera until after I and my pants were as clean as they could be. Then I said a little prayer and turned on the camera. It worked! It did have some problems – like it wouldn’t zoom in and the lens would not go in when I turn off the camera. It also would once in awhile turn off as I was trying to take a picture, and it would tell me I had a lens error. Other than that, though, it was working fine and still taking great pictures. That was good because the next two days were going to be spent at Niagara Falls. When we got back home, I took my camera to the Geek Squad at Best Buy. I had accidental insurance (lovingly called accidental death insurance) on my camera thanks to my father who knew how I sometimes don’t land on my two feet. After a few weeks, I got my camera back. It worked, but I never thought it was as good as it was before it went bouncing down a parking lot. Fast forward to a month ago. We were with our same friends in a beautiful place in Kentucky (the Red River Gorge). My camera starting having lens error problems again. I was able to take pictures, but it definitely was not working the way it should. A week before Thanksgiving, I took it back into Best Buy, and I hoped that I would see my camera sometime before Christmas. That leads me to yesterday’s phone call. A geek from the squad at Best Buy left a message on my phone – I had been approved for a replacement camera. Replacement?? Very nice! I went in and was given the very latest Canon Powershot. For those of you camera enthusiasts – this camera has 35x optical zoom! My goodness, you can see the nosehairs on a fly with this thing! Without my muddy fall a couple years ago, I would not have this great Christmas present right now. Yep, sometimes clumsiness can be a good thing!
Snow and Ice
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, every where you go. La de da de da da de da la la la le la le la…” Yep, that was me singing! Earlier this week we had our first real snowfall. My classroom curtains were closed, but during the passing periods students and teachers alike saw the snow through the windows near the doors. It was beautiful! I did what came naturally – I started to sing. My students from the past can attest to the fact that sometimes I just break into song. I’m quirky that way! Ha. The problem with this song, though, was that I only knew the first few words. After that, I really did have to go to the la’s and da’s and de’s….which completely bewildered my poor sixth graders who had finally seen me for the first time in 11 weeks since my knee surgery. (“Uhhh, maybe the doctors tweaked something in our teacher’s brain, too.”)
I do love snow as long as my car isn’t spinning and I’m not driving behind someone who treats snow as if it will jump up and bite them. The best place to watch the snow is cuddled up in a warm blanket on the sofa! My first winter in sunny southern California was quite a change from frosty Indiana. I remember one afternoon it actually snowed for a couple minutes. I literally cried! I missed snow that much. (I know….I said it before – I’m quirky!) The question is why do I like snow so much? Maybe it's because I had some great times as a kid in the snow. I remember back then. It took us forever to get bundled up for a romp in the snow. Long underwear, tights, tube socks, snow pants, a couple pairs of mittens, coat, hat, scarf, and boots. I must have gained 20 pounds just in that stuff alone! I walked like the Stay Puft Marshmallow man! Heaven forbid if I waited too long to go to the bathroom! It took grand maneuvers just to remove all those items – especially when they were caked in snow.
My favorite snow was the Blizzard of 1978. The snow drifts reached the sky! Ok, maybe not, but they were definitely much taller than me. We didn’t have snow blowers back then – all of the snow had to be shoveled by the entire family to the side of the driveway. That created some huge snow piles. We got creative and made snow caves and tunnels in those piles. I have NO idea how I managed to hang out in the snow caves with my claustrophobia. I do remember I also tried an experiment that year. (You are going to wonder how I got A’s and B’s in school when I tell you this one!) A lot of the sidewalks were mostly cleared off and dry for a few feet away from the driveways. They would abruptly end in huge snow bank that no one wanted to shovel through. I decided to get my bike out, ride as fast as I could, and speed into one of those snow banks without braking! I learned a nice little science lesson that day (and yes, one that I brought up with my students the year I taught science). While the bike stopped suddenly, my body did not! You know when guys get hit down below and they suddenly curl up in a ball? Well, it can happen to girls too! I flew right into the handlebar column and curled up like a boy! Ha!
I think snow also reminds me of romance. I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do with all of the old Christmas movies I watched as a child (ok, and as an adult). A couple times in my teens, I went walking by myself during almost white-out conditions. (I always knew where I was – it wasn’t a blizzard…yet.) It was so quiet and peaceful surrounded by all of that snow. I’m sure that sounds weird to most people, but it was nice. I wouldn’t mind doing that again sometime.
I like snow, but ice isn’t really my friend! I have had so many tumbles or almost tumbles on ice that it is amazing someone isn’t following me with a video camera everywhere I go just to see if they could win some money on America’s Funniest Videos! The best is when I almost fall – my arms and legs go in every direction as I try my hardest not to land on my back end! Ice is only my friend when I can photograph it.
A couple years ago, we had a terrible ice storm that left my family without electricity for several days right around Christmas. My home was terribly cold, and I ended up losing a nice water heater because of a frozen pipe. On the flip side, I did get some very nice photos once the storm had passed.
Ice on lakes makes me panic. I remember as a youth, my father drove our car onto a lake near his boyhood home in Wisconsin. I hated that. Even though there were several other cars on the lake, I just knew OUR CAR was going to be the one to hit a thin spot and break through the ice. I was going to DIE that night! When Dad was ready to get off the ice, I was probably the most relieved in the car. That incident didn’t stop me later from getting onto the frozen lake where I went to college. A bit after dinner, I was walking with my boyfriend around the ice-covered lake. We would periodically throw chunks of frozen snow and ice at the lake and watch them punch through the thin layer of ice. On the far side of the lake, the water level was lower and the ice was thicker. In fact, it was thick enough that we could get on and “skate” around a bit. In one place, I saw that a small reed was poking through a tiny hole in the ice. As I skated by, a little water bounced out of the hole. “That was neat,” I thought. “What if I jump? Will the water shoot out higher?” Crazy crazy me! I jumped, and I didn’t land until I was standing on the bottom of that lake! Next thing I knew, I had a Jenny-sized hole of ice around my waist, my bottom half was in ice-cold water, and I was staring at the shaking knees of my boyfriend as he was laughing out loud! I couldn’t get out of the hole on my own. Eventually my boyfriend pulled me out of my hole (after he stopped holding his side from laughing so hard...ok, I'm not sure if he did that or not, but I do remember he didn't get me out as fast as I wanted out). The long walk back to my dorm was painful as my pants started to freeze. Just in case you’re concerned – I also laughed out loud…all the way back to my dorm! I guess it was invigorating to face death even when death really wasn’t one of the options with water that was only waist deep!
We now have our first snow advisory for the season. I have a couple hours of driving tomorrow, so I hope God holds off the snow until I get back home (or provides the many angels around my car that he usually needs to send my way). Once I get back home and am curled up warmly on the sofa, I hope it snows several inches. As for ice – well, I did just get a new camera AND there are no lakes nearby…grin! Sure, bring it on!
I do love snow as long as my car isn’t spinning and I’m not driving behind someone who treats snow as if it will jump up and bite them. The best place to watch the snow is cuddled up in a warm blanket on the sofa! My first winter in sunny southern California was quite a change from frosty Indiana. I remember one afternoon it actually snowed for a couple minutes. I literally cried! I missed snow that much. (I know….I said it before – I’m quirky!) The question is why do I like snow so much? Maybe it's because I had some great times as a kid in the snow. I remember back then. It took us forever to get bundled up for a romp in the snow. Long underwear, tights, tube socks, snow pants, a couple pairs of mittens, coat, hat, scarf, and boots. I must have gained 20 pounds just in that stuff alone! I walked like the Stay Puft Marshmallow man! Heaven forbid if I waited too long to go to the bathroom! It took grand maneuvers just to remove all those items – especially when they were caked in snow.
My favorite snow was the Blizzard of 1978. The snow drifts reached the sky! Ok, maybe not, but they were definitely much taller than me. We didn’t have snow blowers back then – all of the snow had to be shoveled by the entire family to the side of the driveway. That created some huge snow piles. We got creative and made snow caves and tunnels in those piles. I have NO idea how I managed to hang out in the snow caves with my claustrophobia. I do remember I also tried an experiment that year. (You are going to wonder how I got A’s and B’s in school when I tell you this one!) A lot of the sidewalks were mostly cleared off and dry for a few feet away from the driveways. They would abruptly end in huge snow bank that no one wanted to shovel through. I decided to get my bike out, ride as fast as I could, and speed into one of those snow banks without braking! I learned a nice little science lesson that day (and yes, one that I brought up with my students the year I taught science). While the bike stopped suddenly, my body did not! You know when guys get hit down below and they suddenly curl up in a ball? Well, it can happen to girls too! I flew right into the handlebar column and curled up like a boy! Ha!
I think snow also reminds me of romance. I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do with all of the old Christmas movies I watched as a child (ok, and as an adult). A couple times in my teens, I went walking by myself during almost white-out conditions. (I always knew where I was – it wasn’t a blizzard…yet.) It was so quiet and peaceful surrounded by all of that snow. I’m sure that sounds weird to most people, but it was nice. I wouldn’t mind doing that again sometime.
I like snow, but ice isn’t really my friend! I have had so many tumbles or almost tumbles on ice that it is amazing someone isn’t following me with a video camera everywhere I go just to see if they could win some money on America’s Funniest Videos! The best is when I almost fall – my arms and legs go in every direction as I try my hardest not to land on my back end! Ice is only my friend when I can photograph it.

Ice on lakes makes me panic. I remember as a youth, my father drove our car onto a lake near his boyhood home in Wisconsin. I hated that. Even though there were several other cars on the lake, I just knew OUR CAR was going to be the one to hit a thin spot and break through the ice. I was going to DIE that night! When Dad was ready to get off the ice, I was probably the most relieved in the car. That incident didn’t stop me later from getting onto the frozen lake where I went to college. A bit after dinner, I was walking with my boyfriend around the ice-covered lake. We would periodically throw chunks of frozen snow and ice at the lake and watch them punch through the thin layer of ice. On the far side of the lake, the water level was lower and the ice was thicker. In fact, it was thick enough that we could get on and “skate” around a bit. In one place, I saw that a small reed was poking through a tiny hole in the ice. As I skated by, a little water bounced out of the hole. “That was neat,” I thought. “What if I jump? Will the water shoot out higher?” Crazy crazy me! I jumped, and I didn’t land until I was standing on the bottom of that lake! Next thing I knew, I had a Jenny-sized hole of ice around my waist, my bottom half was in ice-cold water, and I was staring at the shaking knees of my boyfriend as he was laughing out loud! I couldn’t get out of the hole on my own. Eventually my boyfriend pulled me out of my hole (after he stopped holding his side from laughing so hard...ok, I'm not sure if he did that or not, but I do remember he didn't get me out as fast as I wanted out). The long walk back to my dorm was painful as my pants started to freeze. Just in case you’re concerned – I also laughed out loud…all the way back to my dorm! I guess it was invigorating to face death even when death really wasn’t one of the options with water that was only waist deep!
We now have our first snow advisory for the season. I have a couple hours of driving tomorrow, so I hope God holds off the snow until I get back home (or provides the many angels around my car that he usually needs to send my way). Once I get back home and am curled up warmly on the sofa, I hope it snows several inches. As for ice – well, I did just get a new camera AND there are no lakes nearby…grin! Sure, bring it on!
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