Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Accident-Prone People and Trends that should NEVER come back.

How old are you? As old as I am? Well, let’s see -- do you remember these things: Big combs in our back pockets, platform shoes, and bell-bottom pants??? Recently I have seen all three of these things and just want to scream, “NO!” Oh my goodness -- I’m almost running for the Band-Aids just thinking about those things. (HA) Yes, there are some trends that should not come back for those of us more accident-prone people.

No, that is NOT my back side.
Big combs in our back pockets -- I definitely had to have one of those when I was in junior high!! I can’t remember what color, but it was big and had a curved handle. I thought I was such hot stuff with that comb in my back pocket! Okay, that is until it was time to get out of the student desk at the end of the class period. Think about this large handle sticking out of the back pocket of a pair of jeans. Now think about those old student desks (which are still in use today). As I rose out of my chair, the comb got stuck on the other side of the chair’s back rest. Ugh! I tried to get it up, but the comb stuck on my chair pulled me back down. I was lucky not to have ripped my pants! Unfortunately, my “cool” status was knocked down a bit! Alright, I was never cool in junior high, but I didn’t need anything more to prove my un-coolness. After that, I learned to either take my comb out of my pocket while sitting or checking its location with the student desk before standing.

This IS me -- I loved these pants when I was a kid.
I had the greatest pair of bell-bottom pants when I was a kid!!! They had big flowers all over them and each pant leg measured 20 inches in diameter. I loved them. But seriously -- what was I thinking?? I would run, catch my foot on the bottom edge of my pants, and go flying to the ground! I believe that’s how my pants finally died -- I took a flying leap across the cement driveway. Ouch!! I never stopped having troubles with wide edges on my clothing. Right now I have a pair of tall, cowboy-cut jeans. They are my favorites, but every once in awhile I will trip over my own pants. It’s silly.  I had an oops like this on my wedding day. I walked down the aisle with ease, but my troubles began when I started up the steps to the altar. As I reached the first step, I realized I had just stepped on the inside of my dress.
No problem -- I would fix that on my next step. Right? Nope. As I took the next step, my other foot stepped on my dress.  Now I was standing on my wedding dress with both feet and couldn’t move without the fear of toppling over. I had to stop my husband-to-be (and the ceremony) for a minute in order to use his arm as leverage as I pulled the gown out from under my feet. Oh dear!! Ha. To be honest, I don’t think many people realized what happened. It was still embarrassing.

Platform shoes -- do I need to say anything more?? Why would anyone want to be that high up and teetering forward towards the ground?? Thankfully, someone wiser than me (my parents) made sure this was one trend I did not follow. Could you imagine me in a pair of these shoes?? Add some bell-bottom pants and a comb in my pocket, and I would be an insurance provider’s nightmare! I should try a pair on just once for fun -- and have lots of pillows and maybe someone with some strong arms surrounding me just in case.

I wonder what other trends should not come back for accident-prone people. I would love it if you shared your ideas (and possible stories) in the comments after this blog. I know they would be fun to read!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I think we lived the same clumsy childhood. I remember my white bell bottom pants. They were, I believe, called Elephant Pants.. not just bell bottoms. The flair at the bottom was huge. And, yes, I had many face-plants in those pants. But, what 5th grader wants to sacrifice fashion for a few bruises? Beside, the pants covered up the bruiser and cuts...right?
    I'm finding my current "Shapers" shoes to be causing me injury. More than once in the past few months, I have stumbled and fallen due to my new shoes that are suppose to 'shape my rear' while walking. Again... just like in the 5th grade... fashion vs injury. Dah.. fashion!
