Friday, October 8, 2010

Have you Facebook Poked yourself recently?

I am a facebook fanatic! I really don’t know why. Maybe because I am addicted to Bejewelled….maybe because I had my first kiss in 8 years (and had a fantastic summer) due to a reconnection through facebook….or maybe because I love to stalk people. HA. Actually, I am a people person living life as a very busy single mom who doesn’t get out much. Facebook is one way to at least feel like I am connecting with more people in a day. I love how I have been able to connect with friends all over the US that at one time or another I had lost contact with.

I throw snowballs, have pillow fights, and give hearts. I was even poking one friend back and forth this summer. Have you ever poked someone on facebook? You go to their profile and somewhere under your friend’s profile picture there is a place to click “Poke So-and-so”. You can even poke people that you have not friended yet. (I wonder how many people do random pokings?? Ha) There is only one person you cannot poke: yourself. Try it – I can’t figure out how to start a poking war with yourself. But it has happened! I have NO idea how it happened. (I am trying to figure out if this is connected in any way to my klutziness.)  Yesterday when I got on facebook, I noticed that I had poked myself….and then I had the opportunity to poke myself back! What a riot! So I did!!

I don’t know why this is cracking me up so much. Periodically through the day I poke myself … I’m in a poking war with myself! The messages that come up hit my funny bone too. “You are about to poke yourself” (like I need a warning) and “You have poked yourself.” I could cancel this poking war….but I haven’t done so yet. Pathetic! Ha. I wonder what Freud would say. When I was poking my friend this summer, he said “ouch”. “No,” I said. “My pokes are really just hugs.” With that in mind, I am not having a poking war; I’m just hugging myself! Well, I guess that isn’t the worst thing a person could do. Grin.

I challenge you to facebook poke someone today and grin!



  1. Laughing! Surprised myself by actually laughing out loud while reading this!

  2. i had the same thing happen. and i giggle everytime i 'poke' myself... :)

  3. Anonymous -- you just made me giggle again thinking about it! :)

  4. This is great...I just entered a poking war with myself also! I think it is hilarious. I just got on one day and FB told me I had poked myself so I kept it going. :)
