Friday, October 8, 2010

I have been Challenged!

Not only have I been Challenged -- I have been Triple Dog Dared!!!
(Thank you very much Jack!) 

I have enjoyed writing since I was a kid.  As I got older (and married) I channeled my writing into letters that I sent my family and friends.  Many friends have encouraged me to write that book someday that I would love to have on the shelves of every store.  I'm not a fiction writer, that's for sure.  I'm more of a "Can you even believe this actually happened?" type of writer......and I have so much personal experience in the "can you believe" arena.  So many silly, klutzy, stupid things have happened to me or I have done.  When the humor bug hits, I can have so much fun with these things!  I am going to post one such thing in a minute -- my Blood story (no, it isn't too gross).  That'll give you an idea of how I like to see the funny things in life (or at least roll my eyes at myself.  ha).

I may also post what I wrote on my facebook about Exercise.  That is what Jack read when he suggested I start regularly blogging.  Oh!  That was the challenge.  I have been challenged to write to my blog every few days or so.  I don't know if I can do that, but I'm going to try.  Shouldn't be too difficult right now just because I am on leave from work due to recovering from knee surgery.  It might be a fun diversion.

I'm not married anymore.  I am a single mom with two almost-teen children.  (That too should provide something to write about at times.  grin)  I don't know if anyone will ever read what I write, but at the very least I will have a spot that I can gather all of my writings for that book I want to write someday.  If you are here and reading my posts, my biggest hope is that you leave with a smile on your face!


  1. Go For It Jenny! You have all these stories bottled up inside you just waiting for a forum to be released. I'm looking forward to reading more from you.

  2. I am reading your first blog last, and I love them all! You were born to write, and it's great therapy, too. I'm so glad to be "a friend" and to be able to read these wonderful tales. Keep them coming.
